Work package 2

Joint field trials on agroecological intensification

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● Joint field trials implementation on biostimulants effects in cereal-legume intercrops compared to monocrops
● Agronomic yields and ecosystem service quantification in cereal-legume intercrops
● Cost-benefit analysis of use of biostimulant in intercrop and monocrops
● Life cycle assessment of intercrops and monocrops


Task 2.1: Preparation of biostimulants for testing in field trials (Lead/partners: SLU, Forel)

Task 2.2: Field trial implementation on biostimulant response under cereal-legume intercrops and monocrops (Lead/ partners: UCPH, all)

Task 2.3: Agronomic yields and ecosystem service quantification (Lead/partners: NUBIP, all)

Task 2.4: Environmental footprint assessment of cereal-legume intercrops and wheat monocrop (Lead/partners: ESCI, all)

Task 2.5: Life cycle costing (Lead/partners: ESCI, all)

Task 2.6: Valorization of cereal-legume intercrops into food and feed bioproducts (Lead/partners: NUBIP, all)