Our mission

ECOTWINS research partnership aims to strengthen the research capacity of NUBiP team and create a networking platform for best practices about agroecological intensification to uplift the scientific excellence and international cooperation.

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Aims and goals

Individual approach

Improve research capacity and scientific authority of Ukrainian scientists on agroecology intensification.

Technology transfer

Establish technology transfer between leading scientific institutions of Ukraine and the European Union

Field trials

Implement field trials on combined effects of biostimulant application and cereal-legume intercrop on productivity and provision of ecosystem services


Communication, dissemination and exploitation of project outputs on agro-ecological intensification

Work packages


Work package 1

Enhance research capacity and skills of coordinating team

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Work package 2

Joint field trials on agroecological intensification

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Work package 3

Knowledge transfer and exchange of best practices

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Work package 4

Communication, dissemination and exploitation

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Work package 5

Project coordination

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Dedicated to quality and your success

ECOTWINS research partnership aims to strengthen the research capacity of NUBiP team and create a networking platform for best practices about agroecological intensification to uplift the scientific excellence and international cooperation.
This partnership has received funding from the European Union’s “HORIZON-WIDERA-2021-ACCESS-03” research and innovation program under the 101079308 grant agreement.
Project coordinator
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
15 Heroiv oborony str. Kyiv 03041 Ukraine