Our news

ECOTWINS research partnership aims to strengthen the research capacity of NUBiP team and create a networking platform for best practices about agroecological intensification to uplift the scientific excellence and international cooperation.


We are pleased to announce that Tetiana Khomenko, a participant in the Ecotwins project, has successfully defended her PhD dissertation titled: “Regulating the Biological Activity of Sod-Podzolic Soils and the Productivity of Table Potatoes under Organic Farming in the Western Polissya Region.”

Congratulations to Tetiana Khomenko on successfully defending her dissertation!


We are pleased to announce that Tetiana Khomenko, a participant in the Ecotwins project, has successfully defended her PhD dissertation titled: “Regulating the Biological Activity of Sod-Podzolic Soils and the Productivity of Table Potatoes under Organic Farming in the Western Polissya Region.”

Her research, conducted as part of the Ecotwins project, focused on the study of biostimulants and their impact on the productivity of agricultural crops and soil health. The dissertation research was conducted under the supervision of Dr. Oksana Tonkha, a Professor and Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation, who played a key role in shaping the scientific concept of the work and achieving high results.

Tetiana’s achievements not only contribute to the scientific community but also set a high standard for professional research, opening new possibilities for advancing agriculture in the face of climate change.

We congratulate Tetiana on this major accomplishment and wish her continued success in her scientific endeavors within the Ecotwins project and beyond!