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ECOTWINS research partnership aims to strengthen the research capacity of NUBiP team and create a networking platform for best practices about agroecological intensification to uplift the scientific excellence and international cooperation.


Participant of the Ecotwins project, PhD student Iryna Havrylyuk, took part in the webinar organized within the framework of the international summit EUROAGRI2024: Agriculture and Food Safety Summit, held in Rome, Italy.

Iryna Havrylyuk's participation in the EUROAGRI2024: Agriculture and Food Safety Summit webinar


Participant of the Ecotwins project, PhD student Iryna Havrylyuk, took part in the webinar organized within the framework of the international summit EUROAGRI2024: Agriculture and Food Safety Summit, held in Rome, Italy. This scientific event brought together scientists from around the world who are working on solving current issues of food security and the adaptation of agricultural crops to climate change.

During the webinar, Iryna presented a report titled “Wide hybridization of Triticum and Aegilops species to develop climate resilient wheat varieties for higher yield, disease tolerance, and drought resistance.” The main goal of the research is to develop wheat varieties capable of ensuring stable yields even under climate change conditions. Such varieties will help reduce the use of chemical fertilizers and be suitable for mixed cropping systems with legumes, particularly peas.

The work is being conducted within the framework of the international ECOTWINS project, coordinated by Professor Oksana Tonkha. The project is funded by the Horizon 2020 program.

Iryna Havrylyuk’s participation in the summit underscores the importance and relevance of international cooperation in addressing the global challenges of modern agriculture. We are proud of our researchers’ achievements and wish them continued success in their scientific endeavors!