Our news

ECOTWINS research partnership aims to strengthen the research capacity of NUBiP team and create a networking platform for best practices about agroecological intensification to uplift the scientific excellence and international cooperation.


After the summer school March 2024 at ESCI-UPF premises in Barcelona, Ukrainian PhD students and scientists had a possibility to attend a 3-day intense writing workshop taught by Julia T. Williams Camus, an English Philology professor at the University of Cantabria in hydride format (offline and online).

Scientific writing workshop


Scientific writing workshop – a key component to equip Ukrainian scientists with practical skills in manuscript preparation.

After the summer school March 2024 at ESCI-UPF premises in Barcelona, Ukrainian PhD students and scientists had a possibility to attend a 3-day intense writing workshop taught by Julia T. Williams Camus, an English Philology professor at the University of Cantabria in hydride format (offline and online).