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ECOTWINS research partnership aims to strengthen the research capacity of NUBiP team and create a networking platform for best practices about agroecological intensification to uplift the scientific excellence and international cooperation.


We collect plants for tests and discuss them

Selection of plant samples 60 days


Last year, the team of the Agrobiological Faculty of the National University of Life and Environmental Science of Ukraine started the implementation of the HORIZON EUROPE, ECOTWINS project "Development of research potential and improvement of qualifications and skills of the group of researchers of NUBiP of Ukraine on agro-ecological intensification of the field of crop production". Field research began in the spring of 2023, so we have already had the first results. 

In the second decade of June, students of the 2nd year of the agrobiological faculty were involved in the next stage of research. They gladly helped and asked many questions because combined crops of barley and peas were a complete novelty for them. Some students discussed the difference in vegetative mass and future productivity between the experimental variants with the Ecotwins project executors. Future specialists did not miss the topic of the impact of such organic fertilizers on soil fertility.

This stage of the research consisted in the selection of plant samples at all experimental sites on the 60th day of vegetation and in the comparison of biochemical parameters of the vegetative mass of the selected samples from different options for the use of biostimulants.